The institute was established in 2015 with the intention of meeting the learning and development needs of everyone in the eden ecosystem, ranging from the university undergraduates, to fresh graduates seeking employment, to professionals, employed and business people.
The institute boasts of a robust curriculum that helps develop participants into a ‘7 Star Individual’ or a ‘Total being’.
The Institute has so far had over 200 participants with remarkable testimonies as a result.
It has impacted me on how to make myself vast and discover myself. It also enlightened me and brought to my realization that I am worth more than I initially thought.
The training sessions have impacted me positively. It has been able to influence me in having a good vision for myself, what I want to be and also knowing God’s purpose for my life, hearing from God and aiming to be a professional in my career path.
I have increased my sense of self awareness, improved my emotional intelligence and my capacity to perform. Also it has improved me with relevant and modern day skills required for superior performance in this age
The training gave me an insight into what spirituality is and answered some questions I had long sought answers for
Eden has impacted my views on financial accountability, professionalism and my relationship and contribution to the society above all my relationship with God
My eyes were popped open in the financial, spiritual and mostly emotional part of the training programme
Eden has impacted me positively in every way, that is, my view about life, how to communicate well with people and most importantly helped me develop my spiritual life.
The training sessions were very helpful and insightful. They were not vague and the points were very practical
To have increasing growth in Eden
To create a platform for our people to grow, and to add value
To add value to our partners
Relevance in individuals sphere of influence
Increased knowledge of God and purpose for existence