System and Structure

These training’s would be initiated in each Eden Location with a 3-days training on how it should be run, the 3-days training will hold at minimum once a year at each Eden Location.
An 8 week curriculum will follow during each session of the Institute (Our semester in the case of campuses).

DAY ONE Emotional 1. What are Emotions?2. Why bother about Emotions?

3. Belief systems on Emotions

4. Love and Fear

5. Emotional Abuse

6. Committing to Emotional health

7. How to release emotions

1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
Physical 1.Definition2. Stress management

3. Body mass Index

4. Keeping healthy

1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
Relational 1.Definition

2. What does the bible say

3. Types of relationships

4. Keeping and sustaining healthy relationships

1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
Personality Test Know thyself (Completing the personality assessment forms)
DAY TWO Financial 1.Financial Intelligence

2. Financial Shock

3. Setting Goals

4. Financial Choices

5. Financial Wellness

1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
Professional 1.Definition

2. Ettiquette

3. Values

4. Commitment

1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
Societal 1.Man in relationship with his society

2. Sphere of influence

3. New social order

1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
DAY THREE Spiritual 1.Man as a spiritual being

2. Religion and Spirituality

3. Types of Spirituality

4. Why practice Spirituality

1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
Purpose Driven Life: 5 Purposes 1.Worship

2. Fellowship

3. Stature

4. Service

5. Mission

3 hours Eden Nigeria Designee
Personality Test Personality Assessment Result
Introducing Eden 1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
The Eden Person 1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
Leadership meeting 1 hour Eden Nigeria Designee
WEEK 1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE 7-DIMENSIONAL BEING 1 hour Alumnus/ recommended by the Arrowhead
WEEK 2 EMOTIONAL 1 hour Alumnus/ recommended by the Arrowhead
WEEK 3 PHYSICAL 1 hour Alumnus/ recommended by the Arrowhead
WEEK 4 RELATIONAL 1 hour Alumnus/ recommended by the Arrowhead
WEEK 5 FINANCIAL 1 hour Alumnus/ recommended by the Arrowhead
WEEK 6 PROFESSIONAL 1 hour Alumnus/ recommended by the Arrowhead
WEEK 7 SOCIETAL 1 hour Alumnus/ recommended by the Arrowhead
WEEK 8 SPIRITUAL 1 hour Alumnus/ recommended by the Arrowhead