Eden Prays – NOVEMBER 2018 – SOUND MIND – 1 Corinthians 2: 16

2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and of a sound mind.”


Father we thank You for the gift of life. We are grateful for the eternal life You have given unto us through our Saviour Jesus Christ.

We thank You for giving us a sound and enlightened mind.

We are grateful for Your protection over every member of our families and loved ones. Thank You for sustaining us.

We appreciate everything You do for us. Even when we miss the mark, Your mercies endures forever and Your love never fails. Father, we thank You.


Lord we declare that the peace of the Lord rests over our nation. You shall execute justice and judgment over every nook and cranny of our nation.

We declare that righteousness reigns over our nation and men of honour and vision will head key sectors of our nation.

The Lord has blessed and kept us and has caused His face to shine upon us. Showing us favour in all our endeavours and restoring hope to the hopeless.

We believe and are rest assured that we have the mind of Christ, therefore the Lord has made us solution providers as He shows us things to come which eyes have not seen or ears heard.

The Lord goes before us, leading and guiding us in every aspect of what He has committed to us and revealing hidden secrets to us.

The Lord has blessed the work of our hands and caused us to flourish like a tree planted by rivers of water. And out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water.

Because we have the mind of Christ and a sound mind, we are always on the lookout to help those in need. Through Christ, we have overcome the corruption that overshadows the world.  

We are abundantly satisfied with the goodness and blessings of the Lord. We are channels of blessing and not containers.


Personal Prayer Points


  1. I want us to pray that even in the midst of the ASUU strike that God will keep moving and working miracles in the life of every member in Eden LAUTECH.

    2. I’m asking God for clarity of vision and wisdom to move forward in my purpose.
  2. I want us to pray for supernatural provision for all our members whose parents can’t afford the tuition fee since the hike.


  1. With this concluding final year, I ask for an amazing performance ,strength to do well and come out in flying colors .2. Success in my IT course (6units) because I’m really scared.3. I ask for wealth, good health and above all joy and happiness in the homes of my family and friends.

    4. I ask for protection over the lives of my loved ones (family and friends).5. Above all I ask for grace in abundance.

    6. Basically all we (my friends and I) are requesting is for Long life, growth in academic performance, growth in wealth and in health, His protection and guidance over us and family and friends.

I Need A Job
Call me Iya Isaac. Please pray for God to give me a job, so I can take care of my children. I cook for people during parties. I want God to help me get cooking jobs.

Provision & Healing
I am a barber. My mother is ill and my business is not doing so well. I want God to heal my mother and cause my business to prosper, so I can take care of my wife, children and mother.

Provision For A Better Job With Far Better Salary
God should provide me with a better job.

My Needs
1.For God to do miracles for me asap on all my prayer requests.

2. For God to intervene, do this miracle for me and my family bless us all and make all my bills, debts vanish and be gone asap quick.

3. All debts by me are paid asap on all my utility bills

Company Growth
God should bless the company I work for, so I will be paid.

Complete Healing from Cancer
A loved one has battled cancer and we pray for healing.

Answer to Prayers
God should answer my sibling’s prayer request for their life goals.

Grace in every aspect of my life.

Please Pray for My Family
I don’t want to sin. Please pray for me

I need the grace of God to live with my relatives peacefully and productively.

Purpose And Clarification In Life And Exam Success
For so long, I have been on the fence on the purpose of which I am living. I seek for purpose and clarification in life and also for life partner. In addition, good success for my exam coming up next year February.
